Can NAD+ Help With Infertility?

Can NAD+ Help With Infertility?

An enzyme made up of adenine and nicotinamide is called NAD. Most crucially, it participates in the mitochondrial electron transport chain steps necessary to produce ATP. Additionally, it is a key signaling molecule that influences DNA repair and protein transcription in cells. Egg quality declines with aging and is correlated with NAD+ level decline. The administration of NAD+  has been suggested to improve egg quality, and rescue reproductive capacity.

Study: According to Bertoldo et al. (2020), NAD+ Repletion Saves Female Fertility During Reproductive Ageing.

Method: Mice were used in this experiment, and NMN was added to their diet. For 4 weeks, they gave mice a 2g/L NMN supplement.

Results: NAD(P)H levels decreased in the eggs of old mice but not in the ovary. NAD+ levels rose throughout the whole ovary after NMN treatment. Oocytes (eggs) from mice given NMN had bigger diameters. They also showed a tendency towards higher blastocyst formation rates. Improvements in inner cell mass size  were associated with the duration of NMN treatment. But, young female embryos did not exhibit better blastocyst formation when grown in the presence of NMN. This is consistent with recent research that suggests adding NAD+ supplements during breastfeeding is safe and might even be good for the baby. 

How NAD+ Supports Fertility:

Cellular Energy Boost:

NAD+ is a critical component in cellular respiration, which generates energy within our cells. By increasing NAD+ levels, it’s believed that cellular energy production can be enhanced.

DNA Repair and Stability:

DNA damage can impact fertility, as damaged genetic material can result in abnormalities. NAD+ plays a significant role in DNA repair mechanisms, helping to maintain the stability. By promoting DNA repair, NAD+ may improve the chances of successful conception and reduce the risk of miscarriages.

Oocyte Maturation and Follicle Development:

NAD+ has been found to be involved in oocyte (egg) maturation and follicle development. Adequate NAD+ levels are necessary for the proper growth and development of follicles, which contain the eggs. By optimizing NAD+ levels, it’s believed that the maturation process can be supported.

NAD+ and Male Fertility

Male fertility can also be influenced by NAD+ levels. Research has shown that NAD+ plays a crucial role in sperm function and motility. A study published in the journal Science Advances found that boosting NAD+ levels in male mice improved their sperm quality. But, it’s important to note that these studies were conducted on mice, and more research is needed to understand the effects of NAD+ supplementation on human male fertility.

NAD+ as a Supportive Treatment

While NAD+ supplementation may show promise in improving fertility, it’s important to remember that it is not a standalone cure. Infertility is a complex issue with many potential causes, and addressing those underlying causes is often necessary for successful conception. NAD+ supplementation could be used as a supportive treatment alongside other fertility interventions.

Consulting a Healthcare Professional

If you’re considering NAD+ supplementation as part of your fertility journey, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation. They may also recommend other interventions, such as lifestyle changes, hormonal therapies, or assisted reproductive technologies.

NAD+ Boosting Strategies

If you’re considering NAD+ as a potential aid for infertility, it’s important to understand that direct NAD+ supplementation is not yet a proven or widely accepted treatment option. However, there are strategies that can indirectly support NAD+ levels in the body.

Lifestyle factors play a significant role in NAD+ production. Regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in nutrients, and adequate sleep can help maintain optimal NAD+ levels. Some dietary sources of NAD+ precursors include foods like milk, fish, poultry, and nuts.

Furthermore, there are compounds known as NAD+ precursors, which can increase NAD+ levels when taken as supplements. These precursors are believed to be converted into NAD+ in the body, supporting its availability. However, more research is needed to establish their efficacy and safety in the context of fertility.

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While the potential benefits of NAD+ for infertility are intriguing, it’s essential to approach them with caution. While some animal studies have shown promising results, more research is needed to determine the effects of NAD+ supplementation on human fertility.