IV Therapy Compared To Water | IV Therapy vs. Water

IV Therapy Compared To Water

What is your usual course of action when you encounter dehydration symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue? Perhaps you opt for remedies like brewing tea or ginger ale when your stomach is upset. If you have engaged in intense physical activity, you may find relief through oral rehydration salts and electrolyte drinks. Additionally, you likely make an effort to drink ample water for rehydration.

However, have you ever contemplated the use of intravenous (IV) therapy? Receiving IV fluids can often offer faster and more effective relief from dehydration compared to home remedies.

This is because a saline solution infused with vitamins and minerals is injected into your bloodstream. The choice between IV hydration and drinking water depends on personal preference. In this guide, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

7 Reasons That IV Hydration Is Better Than Drinking Water

Below are some advantages of IV fluids compared to consuming water:

1. Potency

Water is beneficial but it lacks the concentrated amounts of essential nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc. Hence, if you experience severe dehydration symptoms, relying on water may not suffice to reduce your discomfort. On the other hand, IV hydration delivers a potent dose of hydration to effectively aid in your recovery.

2. Effectiveness

If you are slightly dehydrated, a couple of glasses of water could suffice. However, if you are seriously ill, even drinking water throughout the day may not restore your well-being. IV hydration is formulated to reduce severe and debilitating dehydration symptoms. When vitamins are absorbed through the bloodstream, the absorption rate is around 90%, whereas, through the digestive system, it is only about 50%. IV hydration can help you regain your energy and be prepared to take on the day, getting you off the couch.

3. Feeling Better Sooner

Hydration is not an immediate result of drinking water as your body requires time to process the water. But, if you receive an intravenous (IV) injection into your bloodstream, you will experience rapid hydration.

4. Symptom-Based Relief

Tap water typically contains minerals and the same is true for bottled mineral water. However, you cannot tailor the composition of your water to target your specific condition. Conversely, IV hydration allows you to select additives according to your symptoms.

5. Customized Advice

When choosing the additional substances for your intravenous treatment, you have the option to pick them individually or opt for a pre-packaged selection. Alternatively, your IV nurse can provide suggestions based on your symptoms. Having a helpful and knowledgeable person nearby to offer advice can be comforting, especially when you’re confronted with numerous choices.

6. Easiness on the Stomach

If you are experiencing dehydration and an unsettled stomach, consuming water could induce nausea. Even if you don’t experience any feelings of sickness, drinking many glasses of water to replenish fluids can result in an uneasy sensation. But, opting for IV hydration is a convenient and gentle way to hydrate your body.

7. Avoiding the Emergency Room

Receiving IV fluids can save you the trouble of undergoing a lengthy, costly, and tiring visit to the emergency room. IV hydration offers you a range of essential nutrients and electrolytes like those provided in a hospital setting, all from the convenience of your own home. Usually, appointments last only 25 to 45 minutes.

4 Reasons That Drinking Water Is Better Than IV Fluids

Below are several advantages of consuming water instead of IV fluids:

1. Price

Comparatively, water is more affordable than IV fluids. While tap water comes at no cost and bottled water is priced at a few dollars per bottle, IV fluids are less economical. It’s your choice to determine if the advantages of IV hydration outweigh the expense.

2. Immediacy

Having bottled water readily available at home and tap water as a common resource, you can opt to drink it immediately for potential relief. However, if you request IV hydration, it may take some time for the service to arrive. Nevertheless, IV hydration has a quicker effect on your body compared to water, so you’ll need to consider if the tradeoff is worthwhile.

3. Privacy

If you’re unwell, the presence of another individual in your vicinity might be the least desirable situation. Particularly if you’ve indulged in excessive partying throughout the night and are currently experiencing a hangover, you probably wouldn’t want the entire neighborhood witnessing an IV hydration vehicle arriving at your home. Alternatively, you may prefer to keep your health background confidential. If that’s the situation, your optimal choice for alleviating your condition might be to consume water.

4. Comfort

Drinking water is a refreshing experience that many people find enjoyable, as it quenches their thirst. However, not everyone is comfortable with sharp needles. If you choose to drink water for hydration, you can avoid the discomfort, potential infection, or blood clotting associated with needle usage. It’s important to note that IV hydration involves the application of a numbing spray, ensuring a comfortable experience.

How to Choose Between IV Hydration and Drinking Water?

To sum up, both IV hydration and consuming water offer advantages for your health and overall wellness. However, when it comes to selecting between the two, it is important to consider the following factors:

1. Symptom severity

Begin by evaluating the severity of your symptoms. If you have a mild headache, dull aches, or feel slightly like you have a hangover, you might find relief by adequately hydrating yourself with water. However, if you have a pulsating headache, intense muscle cramps, dizziness, and extreme fatigue, the most effective solution for alleviating these symptoms could be receiving IV hydration.

2. Dehydration severity

It is important to evaluate the level of dehydration you are experiencing as it is likely connected to your symptoms. If you haven’t consumed enough fluids or have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol, IV hydration may not be necessary. But, if you have engaged in intense physical activity such as running a marathon during a hot summer afternoon, immediate IV hydration may be required. This is because strenuous exertion can result in athletes losing 6% to 10% of their body weight through sweating. Additionally, if you are unable to retain fluids, IV hydration provides a practical remedy.

3. Needs and priorities

How far are you willing to go to begin improving your well-being? If you’re only slightly unwell and prefer to cozy up with a warm bowl of soup, watch a good show, and rest. The idea of having an IV hydration provider come to you might seem excessive. However, if you’re completely worn out and feeling miserable, and you’re in need of immediate relief, the therapeutic advantages of IV hydration are likely to be exactly what you need.

Contact My IV Doctors for Effective, Refreshing IV Hydration

If you want to experience the advantages of IV hydration for alleviating symptoms of dehydration caused by viruses, food poisoning, hangovers, or sports activities, get in touch with My IV Doctors. Our IV services are quick and efficient, with round-the-clock availability and the ability to provide same-day home visits upon your request. You have the option to select from various packages, cocktails, and additional options to speed up your recovery process.

Also Read Is IV Therapy Safe?


Water is essential for maintaining proper hydration but IV therapy offers unique advantages in certain situations. IV therapy provides a direct and efficient method of delivering essential fluids and medications into the bloodstream. This makes it a valuable option for individuals who may have difficulty absorbing fluids orally or need immediate relief from dehydration, fatigue, or illness.